A restaurant in Switzerland has begun serving foods made with breast milk. The new line of soups, sauces and stews are made with up to seventy-five percent human breast milk.
"'We have all been raised on it. Why should we not include it into our diet?'" Said the restaurant's owner, Hans Locher. Locher began cooking with breast-milk after he and his wife had their first child, noting that "'...[you] can cook really delicious things with it. However, it always needs to be mixed with a bit of whipped cream, in order to keep the consistency.'" I wonder what he cooked with the placenta (with afterbirth marinade, of course)?
It makes sense, really, since we normally consume other milk products we shouldn't necessarily be squeamish about human milk, but I'd be wary of potential pathogens present in any unpasteurized dairy product, no matter the origin. The Swiss food regulatory body is unsure if Locher is legally barred from serving food containing breast milk, since it is not explicitly noted as a banned substance. There is ordinance against "primate milk", so until someone points out to the food control authority that humans are classified as primates, you can get your fresh mother's-milk-based Mac 'n Cheese at the Storchen restaurant.
Also, for the economically-minded, Locher is offering 3 pounds ($5.40) for 14 fl oz. of breast milk, so if you happen to be reading from Switzerland and nursing, you could make some decent scratch.
UPDATES WAS YES! 9.24.2008:
In the wake of Locher's announcement, PETA has petitioned the ice-cream maker Ben and Jerry's to switch to using human breast milk in their ice cream products:
"PETA officials say a move to human breast milk would lessen the suffering of dairy cows and their babies on factory farms and benefit human health."
The real question here is how would they get enough breast milk to run their whole ice cream operation? Vast fields of nursing mothers with a baby on one breast and a milking machine on the other? Kudos to PETA for wanting to lessen the suffering of dairy cows, but unless they have a plan to actually get the amount of breast milk needed to make the national supply of delicious Ben and Jerry's the suggestion is moot.
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