Instead of just searching the names of photos, Imense Photo Search looks inside the photo. This provides some amazing results, as you can ask for very specific images.
Because we can search "inside" the picture, you can also do queries such as "group of 5 ", "beach sunset", "red dawn over the mountains", "green centre purple background " etc., and Imense will find relevant images that match your description, even where the pictures had not been appropriately tagged by a person.I tested these searches out. I tried "group of 5" and came up with many options, one of which is the skydivers. I also tried out "green centre (they are British) with a purple background" and found the nice flower image shown. I am really happy with the images my searches found, and I think this is the result of some amazing programming.
Right now, Imense.com is in beta testing, so it only has about 5 million images to search from. Oh wait, that is a lot! These images are split into two categories, you can choose to search from amateur images that are found on the web, or you can search for images taken by professional affiliates of the website.
Another great feature about Imense.com is that it gives you a "Scratch Pad" where you can click, drag, and store the photos that you want to keep and use for a later date. This is some amazing search and image technology, I highly recommend that you check it out.
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