Tired of your tenants but have no grounds to legally evict them? You should try what one inventive landlord in New York did: put a bag of dead cats under the staircase to persuade long-time renters to leave of their own accord.
"It was so bad, we thought it was a dead body" one tenant told the New York Daily News.
Once renters discovered the dead animals, they filed suit against the landlord and representative company, "Heskel 1". I'm glad to see tenants taking a stand against such awful treatment, but according to the Rent Stabilization Association landlords group, New York anti-harassment protection laws for renters are poorly drafted and "will not be upheld by the courts". I like to think that a court of law would find fault with putting a bag of dead cats under tenants' main stairway, but then again I've never lived in NY.
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