I am basing this hate-o-meter-super-top-five list on the most recent political polls. The states that give Obama the lowest percentage of potential votes are the ones that I am assuming are full of either the richest 5% of the population, or the lowest 33% of the IQ spectrum.
#5 Nebraska - 35.8 for Obama, and 58.1% for McCain
#4 Wyoming - 32.5% for Obama, and 61% for McCain
#3 Oklahoma - 29.7% for Obama, and 65.7% for McCain
#2 Idaho - 29.5% for Obama, and 62.1% for McCain
#1 Utah - 29.6% for Obama, and 63.9% for McCain
Based on the states I am guessing that it is the lowest 33% of the IQ spectrum.
Now, just for fun, let's look at the 10 states with the fewest African Americans per capita.
#41 Oregon: 1.601 per 100 people
#42 New Mexico: 1.593 per 100 people
#43 New Hampshire: 0.889 per 100 people
#44 South Dakota: 0.795 per 100 people
#45 Utah: 0.774 per 100 people
#46 Wyoming: 0.662 per 100 people
#47 North Dakota: 0.638 per 100 people
#48 Maine: 0.629 per 100 people
#49 Vermont: 0.573 per 100 people
#50 Idaho: 0.427 per 100 people
#51 Montana: 0.227 per 100 people
Now, I am not trying to directly connect the states with the lowest black population with the states that hate Obama the most. And it would be ridiculous to say the only reason they are not voting for Obama is because black people don't live there. But, it is interesting that three of the states with the least support for Obama are on the list with the lowest black population.
I will let you decide why that might be the case.
you're an idiot of massive proportions. all you are proving is that black people like obama. you should win a prize.
I think I was trying to show that when only 1 out of 100 people are black, you might not trust them because you are racist. Especially if you are from Idaho or Utah.
But really, I was in no way trying to draw a direct connection between the two, and saying one is the direct result of another.
And thanks for the comment.
I'd say you're right on and basically what we're seeing is white supremacy in action. What interests me is what I would call the "yuppie-factor" of the states with the other states that have small black populations, but are considered solidly blue (Maine, Oregon...)
These idiots are about to find out some hard Truths, they are still plotting for President Elect Obama Inaguration. They are not trying to murder Obama they are trying to murder God. For whatever reasons God has allowed Obama to become President he has, people need to respect God and stop living in Hatred. They will pay and it will be their own doing, if these children of Satan dont repent they will bring curses to their own homes and families, I would not want to live on their street or work with them, great castrophies are coming upon them, and they have no one to blame but themselves and all who follow them. God is a God of order and these stiffnecks are living out of order. These idioits are causing "discord and division, disharmony in this Earth". They will not go unpunished, this will be a time like only seen in the old testament when grounds would open up and swollow entire families, livestock and everything they own. I personally am glad this time is upon the earth because these evildoers have existed too long without retrubution, now they will know if you want to do evil your reward will be evil.
The state I would like to live in is the one with the greatest number of self employed entrepreneurs and least number of scum sucking, low- life ignorant bottom feeders. I want to live in a state where no one takes food stamps, collects unemployment or lives in subsidized apartments. The best state has no welfare programs, no entitlements and those who don’t or won’t work are tossed out. In my state there are no HS dropouts, no drugs, no dead-beats, no sub-primes and NOBAMA………….. Anyone know where that might be? Likely, not in America…
It's obvious many of you readers should spend more time visiting first world countries--the US, with a middle class in the low 40%
is a second world country and is now ranked 17th in quality of life, freedom and 22 other values-- 38th in health care and 29th in infant mortality.
Unfortunately, few of you right wingers have passports and still think your narrow minded antigovernment philosophy is the only one. I realize, with your limited education and memory that you've completely forgotten that the near depression in the US is caused by the past eight years of unregulated corporations and tax cuts for the wealthy which have created a 13 trillion dollar deficit that Democrats are having a hell of a time trying to repair. We have socialism all right--for the wealthy corporations. It's time we have MORE government, not less.
utahcleanenergy.org/...spend_stimulus_money. Check out this site. the state that hates Obama the most, has no problem spending his socialist stimulus money on their state. If i was Obama, they wouldn't get a dime of other people money to develop their state.
utahcleanenergy.org/...spend_stimulus_money. Check out this site. the state that hates Obama the most, has no problem spending his socialist stimulus money on their state. If i was Obama, they wouldn't get a dime of other people money to develop their state.
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