But this information was not nearly enough. I had to learn more about the majestic stripper. So I continued my search of the Internets, and found that Miller had conducted this study almost a year ago, and barely missed the Ig Nobel Prizes last year.Miller, an associate professor of psychology at the University of New Mexico, and his colleagues knew of prior studies that found women are more attractive to men when at peak fertility. So they took the work one step further — by studying earnings of exotic dancers.
In the 18 subjects Miller studied, average earnings were $250 for a five-hour shift. That jumped to $350 to $400 per five-hour shift when the women were their most fertile, he said.
"I have heard, anecdotally, that some lap dancers have scheduled shifts based on this research," he said.
Fortunately, more of his study was published in Psychology Today in October 2007.
Thanks to Millers difficult research, we learn that strippers made about $70 an hour during their peak period of fertility, versus about $35 while menstruating and $50 in between. Also, strippers on the pill only made an average of $37 and had no performance peaks, while fertile strippers made an average of $53 an hour.
Miller links the wage fluctuations to changes in body odor, waist-to-hip ratio, and facial features. Despite operating at the upper limits of flirtatiousness already, he says there may also be subtle shifts in their behavior—"how they talk and move when enticing a customer to buy a dance, and how they perform the dance itself."This study is great, and sheds a lot of light on the earning potential of strippers. But now I am curious about if there is anything male strippers can do to seem more fertile? Also, this seems to only talk about regular stripping, but what about lap dances? Is this included? I must learn more!
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