Obvious Front has been making Capacitor Figures out of electronic components salvaged from discarded TVs, VCRs, and computers since 1982.
These little figures are very clever, and are supposed to help save your computer from crashing. Obvious Front's Capacitor Figures are also created to help create awareness about all of the e-junk that is being thrown into our landfills.
You can buy a cool little Capacitor Figure from Obvious Front's Etsy storefront, or you can try something a little more rewarding.

This is how I got my Capacitor Figure - Send a really cool piece of Mail Art to:
PO BOX 1644
Milan, IL 61264
Now wait a couple of weeks, and you might just get something great back. If not, I really recommend that you check out their Etsy store for immediate satisfaction.
A good and very useful blog. Keep posting such blogs.
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