Once upon a time I lived in Japan. I took pictures of people wearing ridiculous t-shirt slogans. In this series, updated weekly, I will share them with you.

Understood meaning: No
Exploring a series of tubes.
Dear Red States...Letter Continues here.
We've decided we're leaving. We intend to form our own country, and
we're taking the other Blue States with us.
In case you aren't aware, that includes Hawaii, Oregon,Washington,
Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and all the Northeast. We
believe this split will be beneficial to the nation, and especially
to the people of the new country of New California.
To sum up briefly: You get Texas, Oklahoma and all the slave states.
We get stem cell research and the best beaches. We get Elliot
Spitzer. You get Ken Lay.
We get the Statue of Liberty. You get Dollywood.
We get Intel and Microsoft. You get WorldCom.
We get Harvard. You get Ole' Miss.
We get 85 percent of America's venture capital and entrepreneurs. You
get Alabama.
We get two-thirds of the tax revenue, you get to make the red states
pay their fair share.
"In terms of where to go trick-or-treating, there’s always a lot of chatter about getting a drive over to the rich neighborhood for the big score. People would have you believe that the rich enjoy lavishing children with unopened boxes of twinkies and full cases of root beer. But that’s a lie! Rich people got rich by being cheap and their massive front yards will just slow you down. That’s right, you’ll be navigating wrought-iron fences, duck-shaped hedges, and koi ponds instead of ringing doorbells. Instead, aim for the new neighborhood with little kids and the all-important densely packed homes.And if anyone really needs to tell you this. Don't bring this fat baby out for the night. Where are you gonna put all your candy?
So far, not a dime has been raised in support or opposition of the proposition, but members of the local Republican Party are working to defeat the measure, and 12,000 people signed a petition to secure its spot on the ballot. [Link]
With the new safe haven law, parents may donate a child of any age to the state with no strings attached. Unlike restrictive state haven laws of other states, you can get rid of one or all of your children in many of their easy drop off locations.
Bring an infant or a 13 year old to a firehouse or a hospital, and walk away. Free and clear. Also, if you drop your child off at a McDonalds you can get one free item from their dollar menu!
Ridiculous as it may seem. It is real. Seriously.
Today, "A Michigan mother drove roughly 12 hours to Omaha, so she could abandon her 13-year-old son at a hospital under the state's unique safe-haven law, Nebraska officials said Monday.
The boy from the Detroit area is the second teenager from outside Nebraska and 18th child overall abandoned in the state since the law took effect in July."
Nebraska is now changing their motto from "Equality Before the Law" to: "Nebraska: Its worth the drive."
This is an amazing law, and I only see it snowballing from here. There will be little you can do to stop parents from dropping off kids when they realize how easy it is to drop off their kids. Even better is the fact that you don't even have to be the parent of the child to drop them off. WOW!
Hey kids, get in the car! We are going to Disney World!
This is funnier than taking them to the dentist.
Parents and strangers will have at least until January to donate their children to Nebraska. It does not look like the law will be changing until next year as Nebraskan lawmakers will not call a special session to deal with this problem.
Take advantage of this limited time offer while you can!
Obvious Front has been making Capacitor Figures out of electronic components salvaged from discarded TVs, VCRs, and computers since 1982.
These little figures are very clever, and are supposed to help save your computer from crashing. Obvious Front's Capacitor Figures are also created to help create awareness about all of the e-junk that is being thrown into our landfills.
You can buy a cool little Capacitor Figure from Obvious Front's Etsy storefront, or you can try something a little more rewarding.
This is how I got my Capacitor Figure - Send a really cool piece of Mail Art to:
PO BOX 1644
Milan, IL 61264
Now wait a couple of weeks, and you might just get something great back. If not, I really recommend that you check out their Etsy store for immediate satisfaction.